Auto Accident Procedures Stats & Facts
The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety recently released a report from a sample of 2,511 drivers revealing that 88% of young millennials — defined as those between the ages of 19 and 24 — had performed at least one risky driving behavior within the past 30 days.
Behaviors defined as risky included texting while driving, speeding, and running red lights. It is believed that an increased incidence of these behaviors could be in part responsible for an overall 7% increase in driving fatalities from 2014 to 2015.
Other research includes the fact that millennials were twice as likely as other drivers to have typed or sent a text message or email while driving. They’re also almost two-and-a-half times more likely to have reported that they felt as if it was acceptable to drive 10 miles per hour or more over the speed limit.
Millions of workers drive or ride in a vehicle as part of their jobs, and motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of work-related deaths in the United States. All workers are at risk of crashes, whether they drive light or heavy vehicles, or whether driving is a main or incidental job duty.
- Traffic crashes are the number one cause of on the job deaths in America.
- 2 of every 5 people killed at work die in a workplace vehicle accident.
- According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics more than 1,766 deaths a year result from occupational transportation incidents.
- Every 12 minutes someone dies in a motor vehicle crash.
- Every 10 seconds an injury occurs.
- Every 5 seconds a crash occurs. Many of accidents happen during work. And many happen traveling to and from work.