Be Safety Conscious Off-the-Job Too!

What’s at Stake?
How safety-conscious are you when you are off-the-job? You can do a lot to increase your safety just by paying attention to your attitude and habits. You may be relaxing, but you can still relax safely!
What’s the Danger?
Many of the same dangers in the workplace also exist away from the office… slips and falls at home, driving accidents, or not using personal protective equipment while playing sports. The danger is that we don’t apply the same seriousness to safety when we’re not at work.
How to Protect Yourself
Here’s a simple ‘4×4’ checklist – four things to remember in four different off-duty situations:
At home:
- Do you keep all traffic pathways, inside and outside, clear of obstacles?
- Does the stairway have a handrail? Do you always use it?
- Do you keep your smoke detectors and fire extinguishers in good operating condition?
- Does everyone in the family know how to use the fire extinguishers?
In the garage or workshop:
- Are toxic substances such as cleaning products, paints, herbicides and car products kept locked up and out of the reach of children?
- Are they all still in their original containers with instructions for safe handling?
- Are all sharp, powered or other dangerous tools secured and out of the reach of children?
- Do you always use the correct tool for the job, avoiding makeshift replacements? Do you use a stepladder to reach awkward places instead of standing on a kitchen chair?
In your car:
- Do you always make sure everyone is buckled up in their safety belts and shoulder harnesses before driving away?
- Do you keep your car in good mechanical repair to avoid breakdowns or accidents caused by faulty equipment?
- Do you walk around your vehicle before backing up?
- Do you remain alert and aware as you are driving?
Out for fun:
- Do you wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), such as eye goggles, helmets, life jackets, shin-pads or gloves for your favorite sports?
- Do you make sure your equipment is well-maintained and in good condition?
- Do you avoid using drugs or alcohol especially when you are involved in activities which require concentration and alertness – such as driving?
Final Word
Remember to practice these simple safe habits both on and off-the-job. Safety awareness is a 24/7/365 mindset. There’s no clocking out!