Benzene Dangers in the Workplace – Picture This

Workers employed in industries that use benzene including chemical plants, rubber tire manufacturing plants, shoe manufacturers, steel production plants, gasoline transportation and refineries typically experience the highest exposures to benzene. Gas station attendants, automobile mechanics, firefighters, printers and lab techs also may come into regular contact with benzene.

Benzene is a known cause of cancer. Workers who breathe benzene for extended periods may experience bloodstream disorders and are more susceptible to developing benzene-related cancer. If you have been diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia, you will need to undergo follow-up testing to determine the extent of the cancer and the specific subtype of the leukemia. Doctors use this testing to determine which types of treatment are likely to be effective to induce the cancer into remission. You are facing extensive medical treatments and unanticipated medicals bills.