CalOSHA Recordkeeping and Reporting Meeting Kit


The California Division of Occupational Health (Cal/OSHA) requires recordkeeping and reporting about safety in the workplace. Required records include documents about safety hazard analysis, inspections, accident investigations, and Hazard-specific regulations.

HAZARD EVALUATIONS/CORRECTIVE ACTIONS. Cal/OSHA also requires employers to keep records on hazard evaluations and the corrective actions taken to reduce or control safety risks in the workplace. Job hazard analysis (JHA) evaluates a worker’s job tasks, tools, equipment, and procedures to determine the level of safety risk and how to control it. Employers also need to examine and plan for hazards associated with new tools, equipment, chemicals, tasks, and work environments. Keeping records of these hazard evaluations and risk reduction efforts can document that a business has diligently worked to protect workers. Communicate with employees about these evaluations to make them aware of job hazards and help them work safer.

SAFETY INSPECTIONS. Periodic workplace safety inspections identify hazards in the workplace. Keep records of the identified hazards and the actions that were taken to correct them. Investigate all employee accidents and near misses to determine the root cause of the accident. Document any corrective actions taken to reduce the risk of further accidents. Take the same steps when investigating employee complaints by recording the investigation process and any necessary corrective actions. Communicate the results of inspections, accident investigations, and complaint response to employees.

SAFETY TRAINING. Safety training is a key component in making employees aware of the risks and hazards involved with their work tasks along with the appropriate work practices and personal protective equipment that keeps them safe. General safety training may include ergonomics, first aid, CPR, and injury and illness prevention. Specific work task and hazards safety training can target chemical use, fall protection, lockout/tagout, etc. Keep records of all employee safety training. 

STORAGE REQUIREMENTS. With all of this recordkeeping, it may be confusing about how long to keep safety records. Storage time requirements range between 1, 3, and 5 years. Check the specific regulations that apply to your industry, but as a best practice, store safety and training records for 5 years. Note that some regulations have separate recordkeeping requirements and timelines. Employee medical records need to be kept for the length of employment plus 30 years.

POSTING REQUIREMENTS. Cal/OSHA posting requirements ensure that you communicate about safety and hazards in the workplace. Every place of employment should have the Job Safety and Health Protection poster placed in a prominent area. Copies of all Cal/OSHA citations must be posted for 3 days or until the violations are corrected. Finally, post notices of Cal/OSHA investigations, complaints, and the required employer response for 3 days.

EMPLOYEE ACCESS. Employers must provide their employees access to safety records within a reasonable timeframe (usually 7 days) and must notify employees when monitoring indicates that they have been exposed to a hazard. Employees have a right to information and records about hazardous chemicals in the workplace (Material Safety Data Sheets), hazard exposure monitoring, and their own safety, personnel, and medical records. 


Within four working days of the injury, the injured worker must let their employer know about the injury. This must be done in writing. If the worker was injured more than four days ago, they should still notify their employer in writing as soon as possible.


For all employers under the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, Part 1904 demands they keep records of work-related injuries and illnesses and report fatalities and multiple hospitalizations. 

Every employer covered by OSHA, regardless the number of employees or industry classification, needs to report any workplace incident which results in a fatality or the hospitalization of three or more employees.


  1. If an injury happens, many employers will ask their employees to fill a “first report of injury” form.
  2. Following that, the employee fills out OSHA Form 301 (Injury and Incident Report) or a safety director may complete the form for the employee by transferring the information from the “first report of injury” form.
  3. Proceeding that the injury claim, medical treatment and/or rehabilitation can be provided. Afterward, the OSHA Form 300 (Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses) is updated to record restricted or lost work days, in addition to document the injury cause.
  4. Lastly, at the end of the calendar year, OSHA Form 300-A (Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses) must be completed and posted.

The OSHA 300 log is probably the most familiar to workers and employers. It records all work-related deaths along with injuries and illnesses that require more than first aid treatment. An annual summary of injuries and illnesses is required to be posted in the workplace. Some small businesses (less than 10 employees) and certain industries may have limited exemptions from this recordkeeping requirement. All Employers must report to Cal/OSHA any serious injury, illness or death of an employee immediately, but no longer than 8 hours after the employer knows or with diligent inquiry would have known.  


Federal OSHA’s revised reporting and record keeping (R&R) requirements went into effect January 1, 2015.

This revised rule requires all employers to report, regardless of size or industry type, for the following circumstances:

  • Every work-related fatality within 8 hours.
  • Every work-related inpatient hospitalization, all amputations and all losses of an eye within 24 hours.


Cal/OSHA requires and mandates documents about safety in the workplace and in so doing mandates and requires documents about safety hazard analysis, inspections and accident investigations.