Construction Site Hygiene – Stats & Facts



  1. Cleanliness is next to godliness. In construction, cleanliness reduces risk of injury:

Proper housekeeping is an important part of keeping your construction site safe and avoiding OSHA penalties. Accidents such as trips and falls, being struck by falling objects and cutting or puncturing the skin can often be avoided by keeping a jobsite neat and organized.

  1. Clean up debris: Keep all walking and working surfaces clean and clear of debris. Clean as you go to prevent build-up of debris and to minimize the amount of time needed to clean a larger mess at the end of the day. Watch for debris in stairwells.
  2. Pay attention to proper storage: Identify designated areas for storing tools and materials. Out-of-place objects such as leaning lumber, plywood and other materials can cause trips and falls. Stack materials orderly and secure them so they won’t fall.
  3. Eliminate hazards: Clear away protruding pipes, lumber, rebar or other materials that could cause injury. Bend over or remove nails that are sticking out of lumber. Provide adequate lighting.
  4. Keep extension cords clear of walkways: Extension cords and airlines should be elevated, if possible, out of walkways, or covered with lumber or plywood. When not in use, coil up and neatly store.


  • According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, in recent years, there are more than 800 injuries annually involving floors, walkways, and ground surfaces. 
  • In a recent year over 400,000 reported injuries were the result of poor housekeeping in construction site causing slips and falls; 35% of all lost workdays were caused by injuries due to slips and falls. 
  • Frequent hand washing and satisfactory personal hygiene are what keep staff from becoming ill through cross-contamination. Per The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), over 13 million workers in the United States are exposed to harmful liquid substances and airborne chemicals that can be absorbed through the skin or easily enter the bloodstream through a cut or abrasion. Skin irritation ranging from a mild rash to system toxicity can easily occur if the body is not properly protected. Contact dermatitis is the most common occupational skin disease (OSD), as it makes up 90-95% of skin irritation cases. This condition causes pain, redness, swelling, itching, blisters, and dryness. According to NIOSH, 80% of these cases are caused by skin irritation from exposure to hazardous agents.