Driving Safely Where Deer Are Present – Picture This
What’s wrong in this picture? Deer are most often seen crossing roads in the evening and early morning, particularly around dusk and dawn. As you drive during this deer traffic season, it is important that you prepare yourself by anticipating the problem and paying special attention to your surroundings.
Each year national highways count thousands of collisions with wildlife. They cause deaths, injuries and expensive car damages. Wildlife/vehicle collisions frequently occur in areas where large numbers of deer and elk are present directly adjacent to high-traffic-volume highway segments.
If you see one animal, expect that there are others nearby. Know which seasons and times are worse than others. If you do see a deer or other animal in the road ahead, don’t slam on the brakes. Keep your lane position, and sound your horn while braking in a controlled manner. Sudden panic stops are not a good idea, as they could spook the animal, causing it to suddenly dart into the path of another vehicle.
Remember: Deer are unpredictable especially when frightened — drivers always need to stay alert.