Dump Truck Overturns – Picture This
What’s wrong in this picture? This truck is about to roll over due to a bad steering wheel maneuver, and the ground where it is operating is too loose for the weight it is carrying.
One of the most common causes for a dump truck to tip is operating on an uneven surface or a slope when dumping. Even a slight slope alters the truck’s center of gravity and increases the chance of a tip-over as the weight of the load shifts during dumping. If the bed overturns, the cab often tips over as well, unless the truck has an articulating dump bed.
Balance is the name of the game when it comes to operating a dump truck. Before you go to deposit a load, make sure that you’re on stable ground. The truck will become less stable as the bed is lifted, and this could cause it to tip over.
Keep in mind that the longer the truck bed is, the easier it is to tip the truck. Give your truck its best chance of staying upright by being on solid, level ground. Firmly packed soil or gravel are ideal for unloading.