Energy Drink Dangers Stats & Facts


  1. Headaches and Migraines: Too many energy drinks can lead to severe headaches from the caffeine withdrawal symptoms. Changing the amount of caffeine, you ingest daily can cause more frequent headaches.
  2. Insomnia: Energy drinks do a good job of keeping people awake, but when abused, they can cause some people to miss sleep altogether. This lack of sleep causes impaired function and can be dangerous to drive or perform other concentration heavy tasks.
  3. High Blood Pressure: Caffeinated products like energy drinks can elevate a person’s blood pressure. For those with normal blood pressure, this isn’t concerning, but those with already elevated blood pressure could be placing themselves at risk of stroke and other health problems related to hypertension if they consume too many energy drinks in a short period of time.
  4. Drug Interaction: Some of the ingredients in energy drinks can interact with prescription medications especially medications taken for depression.
  5. Addiction: People can become addicted to caffeine and energy drinks. This can lead to a lack of functioning when unable to have the energy drink or financial stress from having to buy several energy drinks daily.
  6. Risky behavior: A study published in The Journal of American College Health showed that teens are more likely to take dangerous risks when high on caffeine. This could result in injury or legal trouble.
  7. Jitters and Nervousness: Too much caffeine from energy drinks causes some people to shake and be anxious. This can interfere with performing needed tasks or cause emotional issues. This study shows how caffeine can elicit anxiety.
  8. Vomiting: Too many energy drinks can lead to vomiting. This causes dehydration and acid erosion of teeth and esophagus if frequent.
  9. Allergic Reactions: Because of the many ingredients in energy drinks reactions could occur, from minor itching to airway constriction.


  • A 2019 study found that 32 fluid ounces (about a liter) of an energy drink consumed within 60 minutes changed heart rhythm and increased blood pressure significantly in study participants. This was independent of the caffeine in the beverage.
  • The American Heart Association asserts that drinking as few as one to three energy drinks can disrupt heart rhythm, cause heart palpitations and raise blood pressure. Over time, these symptoms can result in cardiac arrest or even death. Prolonged or excessive use of these drinks can also cause a heart attack or stroke.
  • Sales of energy drinks increased a whopping 5,000% between 1994 and 2014 health experts are concerned that they are a more dangerous choice than coffee or other sources of caffeine, especially for teens and young adults.
  • Energy drinks are a $3-billion-dollar market and growing.

In a study published by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, emergency room visits due to energy drinks doubled from 10,000 visits in 2007 to over 20,000 visits in 2011. 58% of the visits resulted from energy drinks only and the other 42% were with a combination of another drug such as prescription pills or alcohol.