Fatal Four Hazards (Construction) Stats and Facts
- OSHA reports that are in five worker death annually is in construction.
- The “Fatal Four” leading causes of private sector working fatalities in the construction industry are falls, being struck by an object, electrocution and being caught in something or between two objects. These accidents are responsible for 58.6 percent of construction worker deaths. [OSHA]
- Of all industries, construction sees the most fatal falls, accounting for 51 percent of all falls in the USA. [CDC]
- Around half of serious workplace injuries go unreported each year.
- Lifting, using a tool or machine, and carrying heavy objects are the leading causes of strain injuries in construction. [CWPR]
- Eliminating the Fatal Four would save 591 workers’ lives in America every year.
- Falls: Approximately 36.5% of all deaths in the workplace occurred due to employees falling.
- Struck by an Object: An estimated 10.1% of deaths occurred due to swinging, falling, or misplaced objects.
- Electrocutions: About 8.6% of employees died due to electrocution.
- Caught-in or Caught-between: Employees caught in or between machines, devices, or tools causing death accounted for about 2.5% of deaths.