Framer Dies of Illness After Injury
A man died after being hospitalized with a back injury from a construction incident, although he died from an unrelated cause. Alejandro Becerra, 53, a framer, died from complications relating to pre-existing conditions.
More than a week earlier, Becerra had been helping to erect a commercial building when the construction incident occurred. An eight-foot-tall wall frame tipped over, injuring four workers. Three of the four suffered mostly cuts and scrapes, but Becerra was taken to hospital with a broken back. After a few days he was transferred to a regional medical center, where he died.
Sheriffs said he apparently died from diabetes and a heart condition.
It’s a sad truth that illnesses and general ill-health kill more workers than industrial accidents. Avoiding or reversing the progress of these conditions may be as simple as changing your diet and exercise habits.
For those of us with chronic conditions, talking to medical professionals and following their advice is usually the best course of action. Many chronic conditions can be managed successfully.
Source: Santa Maria Times, Santa Maria, California, November 6, 2006