Hard Hat Violations

It’s often necessary for workers to use different forms of body protection in combination. The cardinal rule in such situations: Use of one protective device must never be allowed to compromise the effectiveness of another.

What’s Wrong with This Picture?
Hard Hat Violation

It’s often necessary for workers to use different forms of body protection in combination. The cardinal rule in such situations: Use of one protective device must never be allowed to compromise the effectiveness of another.

Unfortunately, whoever’s responsible for the worker in this picture obviously didn’t get the cardianl rule memo.  The hat the worker’s using to shield his eyes and face from the sun has compromised the fit of the hard hat. And without a snug fit, a hard hat won’t provide adequate protection against impact and electrical hazards.

The moral: Instead of wearing the hard hat over his sun hat, the worker should be using sunglasses and/or a hard hat with a detachable brim to shield his face and eyes that’s fitted to the hard hat.