Hazardous Material Handling
Your workers may find themselves with the task of moving materials that are hazardous. Ensure they know the correct way to move hazardous materials and what to do in the event of a spill.
When handling hazardous materials, workers need to make sure they are protected by doing the following:
- Personal protective equipment (PPE) is required when handling hazardous materials
- Consult the safety data sheet (SDS) for information on PPE
Moving the material is only one part of the job – storage is another important part of it.
- Check all containers regularly for leaks, wear and complete labels.
- Keep containers closed and sealed when not in use.
- Large quantities of flammable liquids should be grounded to prevent static electricity sparks and a possible fire when the liquid is removed.
- Flammable liquids should be kept in fire-resistant safety containers, away from any source of ignition.
- Only authorized persons should have access to the storage area.
- Be familiar with location of the eyewash fountain and drench shower station.
When handling hazardous materials, remember:
- Consult the SDS for safe handling procedures.
- Prevent contact with chemicals by wearing the appropriate PPE.
- Wash your hands thoroughly after using chemicals.
In the event of a spill, it’s important to take action immediately and do the following:
- Report the spill or leak to your supervisor.
- Warn others by marking the area with caution tape or cones.
- Consult the SDS for proper clean-up procedures and the PPE to be worn.
- Try to stop the spill or leak at the source, by securing a valve or patching a hole.
- Place a clean, empty barrel or container under the leaking area to stop the spill from spreading.
- For some substances you may use and absorbent material to soak up the substance.
- Once the substance is cleaned up, follow proper disposal procedures according to company policy and/or as outlined in the SDS.