Hazardous Weather Around Water Fatality File

Construction Worker Injury during a Storm Surge

In a coastal construction project, a group of workers was tasked with reinforcing a seawall during a severe storm surge. Despite being aware of the hazardous weather conditions, they proceeded with the work due to project deadlines and the urgency to protect the area from potential flooding.

During the operation, a large wave crashed against the seawall, generating a powerful surge of water. One worker, who was standing close to the water’s edge, lost balance and was swept off his feet by the forceful current. The worker was submerged underwater for several minutes before other crew members managed to pull him to safety.

Emergency medical services were immediately called to the scene. The worker was unconscious and required CPR. Upon arrival at the hospital, he was diagnosed with near-drowning injuries, including water aspiration, hypothermia, and lung complications. He underwent intensive medical treatment and rehabilitation for an extended period.

This case illustrates the inherent risks involved in working around water during hazardous weather conditions. Factors such as rough waters, high waves, and strong currents can lead to accidents, injuries, or even fatalities. It emphasizes the importance of proper risk assessment, adequate safety protocols, and adherence to weather warnings to prevent such incidents.

It is crucial for employers and workers to prioritize safety, especially when working near water during hazardous weather. By implementing strict safety measures, providing appropriate training, and closely monitoring weather conditions, the risk of accidents and injuries can be minimized, ensuring the well-being of workers in these challenging environments.