Heavy Equipment (Four Other Hazards) Picture This

What is wrong in this picture? Every year heavy equipment operators, ground workers and pedestrians are injured or killed by heavy mobile equipment used in construction. Many of these incidents are the result of rollovers or by individuals being struck or crushed by equipment. In fact, “struck-by” deaths are one of the construction industry’s “Fatal Four” leading causes of death on the job site—of which 75% involve heavy equipment.

While the best way to stay safe is to stay aware, contractors can help reduce the dangers and help minimize injuries and fatalities associated with heavy equipment by incorporating a few administrative controls at the job site.

Worker visibility and visual and verbal communication play an important role in ongoing safe operations. Blind spots can be a significant operator issue. A spotter, trained in hand signals, can help provide safety guidance and communication between the operator, workers, and nearby pedestrians to compensate for blind spots.

Construction workers are around heavy equipment every day, and they can become accustomed to the presence of heavy equipment, not giving much thought to the risks. Taking some time to understand and follow safety rules—and staying alert while on the job—can help construction workers stay safe.