Indoor Air Quality – Hospitality Stats and Facts


Here are some of the key hazards associated with indoor air quality in hospitality settings:

  1. Health Risks: Poor IAQ can lead to various health issues such as respiratory problems, allergies, and aggravated asthma symptoms among guests and staff. Common indoor air pollutants like dust, mold, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from cleaning products, and tobacco smoke can exacerbate these health problems.
  2. Spread of Contagious Diseases: Inadequate ventilation and poor IAQ can facilitate the spread of airborne pathogens, including viruses and bacteria. In a hospitality setting where people from diverse backgrounds congregate, the risk of spreading contagious diseases such as influenza or COVID-19 can be heightened if proper ventilation and air filtration measures are not in place.
  3. Comfort and Satisfaction: Poor IAQ can negatively impact guests’ comfort and overall satisfaction with their stay. Unpleasant odors, stuffy air, or excessive humidity levels can detract from the guest experience, leading to complaints and potentially affecting the reputation and profitability of the establishment.
  4. Employee Productivity and Morale: Poor IAQ not only affects guests but also impacts the health and well-being of employees. Uncomfortable working conditions due to inadequate ventilation or exposure to pollutants can lead to decreased productivity, absenteeism, and low morale among staff members.
  5. Fire Hazards: In some cases, poor IAQ can be associated with inadequate maintenance of HVAC systems, which may increase the risk of electrical malfunctions or fires. Accumulation of dust or debris in ventilation ducts can also pose a fire hazard if ignited.


  • Americans, on average, spend approximately 90 % of their time indoors, where the concentrations of some pollutants are often 2 to 5 times higher than typical outdoor concentrations. This is particularly relevant for hospitality venues where guests and staff spend extended periods indoors.
  • Improvements made to indoor air quality can boost workplace performance by 10%, according to the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Additionally, improved ventilation rates can result in up to 35% fewer staff sick days, which can have a direct impact on the productivity and well-being of hospitality staff.
  • 82% of millennials reported that they would feel safer returning to in-person work if their offices provided real-time transparency into indoor air quality. This statistic underscores the growing concern about indoor air quality among individuals, including guests in hospitality venues.
  • Air pollution has been linked to increased heart and breathing problems, hospitalization, emergency room visits, and premature death. Health Canada estimates that air pollution contributes to about 15,300 deaths in Canada each year, with a total economic cost of $120 billion annually. These statistics underscore the significant health and economic impacts of poor air quality, which are relevant to the hospitality sector.