Learning from Close Calls Stats and Facts


  1. Being in a hurry or becoming angry tempts you to commit unsafe acts. Don’t succumb to temptation; stay focused on your safety commitment.
  2. Take a moment to consider the safety of every action you take and avoid becoming complacent with the hazards of your work area.
  3. If unsafe conditions are discovered, correct or report the situation right away.
  4. Don’t allow a poor attitude to place other workers at risk.
  5. Remember that reporting close calls and near miss incidents can improve your work facilities and job procedures, which helps create a safer, more productive workplace for everyone. 


  • According to statistics, about 3 billion “close calls” or “near misses” occur annually in United States workplaces. Statistics also show that for every 300 near misses, 29 minor injuries occur, along with one injury serious enough to keep the injured person out of work.
  • Each year the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) compiles data on fatal workplace accidents. The number of fatal work injuries has climbed over the last 10 years. In 2019, there were 5,333 recorded work-related deaths, which was more than any other year since 2007.
  • Trends in 2019:
    • Workers over 55 had the highest number of deaths since they began being tracked in 1970.
    • Drivers had more than any time since 2003.
    • Grounds maintenance workers saw the highest number of fatalities since 2003.
    • The private construction industry had more deaths than any time since 2007.