NIOSH Injuries from Contact with Objects

Information on injuries and fatalities from contact with objects in the manufacturing sector and guidance on prevention.

Injuries & Fatalities From Contact with Objects 

The NORA Manufacturing Sector Council has developed goals to guide the reduction of injuries and fatalities due to contact with objects and equipment in this sector. These goals can be found on the NORA Website ( under Strategic Goal 1 of the National Manufacturing Agenda. Public comments on this document are accepted at any time.

How You Can Help
Compile databases to disseminate information to employers and employees:

  • Compile existing data on machine related fatal and non-fatal incidents in order to identify gaps in research.
  • Gather data on machines which cause potential hazards during set up, normal operations and repair.
  • Gather data on injuries to workers due to contact with objects and equipment with emphasis on machine-related hazards.

Develop and improve manufacturing equipment and training programs:

  • Develop and evaluate interventions based on…