When Equality Doesn’t Cut It: How to Bring an Equity Lens to Workplace Violence Prevention PART 2

Recorded Date: October 13, 2021

Time: 9:00-10:30AM PDT

Speaker: Jennifer Mak and Glenn French

Recording: To access the recording of this webinar, please go here.

As a sequel to Part 1 of this two-part webinar series, this session will help participants gain an understanding of how to apply an equity lens to preventing and resolving issues of workplace violence. Workplace violence can take several forms and is identified as one of the fastest-growing occupational concerns in Canada. Historically, violence has been thought of as a physical act or threat; however, the term now includes bullying and harassment, which we know can be just as debilitating to the victim.

An important issue for individuals accused of threatening or oppositional behaviour is “justice” – the enduring belief that they have been treated unfairly in the workplace, which results in persistent allegations, grievances and perhaps, in more serious situations, threats.

This webinar will examine the link between threats of workplace violence, perceived equality, and the importance of considering an equity-informed approach when assessing these sensitive and sometimes volatile situations. We will provide you with a working framework to better understand the perspective of the combative employee, allowing for more clarity about the next steps.

In this session, participants will learn more about:

  • The role of equity in decision-making and reaching agreements
  • Understanding the various types of injustice
  • How an individual’s perception of control influences their decisions
  • The importance of perceived personal control (PPC) in Human Resource decision making
  • The elements of control which require your attention
  • Follow-up and monitoring