OHS Posting Requirements Fact Sheets
Employers of each jurisdiction and territories are required, by law, to post certain documentation and signage to protect the health and safety of workers. The law requires employers to post this information in the conspicuous areas that workers have easy access to it, and in places where it is likely to come to the attention of workers.
The table summarizes general posting requirements by each jurisdiction. Specific requirements in all situations (e.g., posting warnings about high noise areas, or warning of a temporary opening) may not be included. While we try to keep this table current and since legislation is amended from time to time, the jurisdictions should be contacted for the most current information.
Jurisdiction | Posting Requirement | Legislation |
Federal | A copy of Part II of the Canada Labour Code | Canada Labour Code (CLC), Part II, Sec.125(1)(d)(i) |
A statement of the employer’s general health and safety policy | CLC, Part II, Sec.125(1)(d)(ii) | |
Any other printed material related to health and safety that may be directed by a health and safety officer or that’s prescribed | CLC, Part II, Sec.125(1)(d)(iii) | |
Names, workplace phone numbers and work locations of all of the members of the work place committee or of the health and safety representative | CLC, Part II, Sec.125(1)(z.17) | |
A request for an exemption | CLC, Part II, Sec.135(5) | |
A copy of a direction or report from a health and safety officer | CLC, Part II, Sec.145(5)(a) | |
The telephone number of a contact person to whom health or safety concerns regarding the indoor air quality in the workplace can be directed | Canada Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Regulations, Sec.2.26 | |
A report that an employee is likely to be exposed to a noise exposure level (Lex,8) equal to or greater than 84 dBA | Canada OHS Regulations, Sec.7.3(7)(a) | |
Information regarding first aid to be rendered for any injury, occupational disease or illness | Canada OHS Regulations, Sec.16.6(1)(a) | |
The location of first aid stations and first aid rooms | Canada OHS Regulations, Sec.16.6(1)(b) | |
A list of first aid attendants and information on how they may be located | Canada OHS Regulations, Sec.16.6(1)(c) | |
A list of telephone numbers kept up-to-date for use in emergencies | Canada OHS Regulations, Sec.16.6(1)(d) | |
Information regarding transport procedures for injured employees | Canada OHS Regulations, Sec.16.6(1)(e) | |
The details of its evacuation plans and procedures | Canada OHS Regulations, Sec.17.6(2) | |
A workplace violence prevention policy | Canada OHS Regulations, Sec.20.3 | |
Emergency notification procedures to summon assistance where immediate assistance is required in response to workplace violence | Canada OHS Regulations, Sec.20.8(2) | |
Alberta | Any order made under the Act to the employer, self-employed person, owner or prime contractor that is relevant to the work | OHS Act, Sec. 15 |
Names and contact information of the joint work site health and safety committee members | OHS Act, Sec. 23 | |
A copy or record of an acceptance that applies at a work site | OHS Act, Sec. 55(8) and Sec. 55(13) | |
Report on compliance | OHS Act, Sec. 66(1)(d) | |
Any notices the Board requires to be posted. | Workers’ Compensation Act, Sec.145 | |
Restricted area – post signs that clearly indicate that asbestos, silica, coal dust, or lead are present in the area and related restrictions | OHS Code, Sec.29 | |
Descriptions of the signal system used to control the movement of a material hoist (at each floor or level and at the operator’s station) | Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Code, Sec.85(1)(a) | |
A code used in a communication system in an underground shaft hoist (at every landing in the shaft and at the operator’s controls) | OHS Code, Sec.108(4) | |
Copies of the minutes of each meeting of the JWSHSC | OHS Act, Sec. 27(c) | |
“When an Injury Happens” Poster | Workers’ Compensation Act, Sec.145 | |
British Columbia | A notice telling workers where a copy of the Act and the regulations are available for review | Worker’s Compensation Act, Sec.115(2)(f) |
Names and work locations of the joint health and safety (JHSC) members, the reports of the three most recent JHSC meetings and copies of any applicable orders for the preceding 12 months | Worker’s Compensation Act, Sec.138 | |
An occupational health and safety information summary from the Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) | Worker’s Compensation Act, Sec.155(4) | |
An application for a variance under the Act | Worker’s Compensation Act, Sec.(167(1)(a) | |
The Workers’ Compensation Board’s decision on the variance | Worker’s Compensation Act, Sec.169(3) | |
A corrective action report following an incident investigation | Worker’s Compensation Act, Sec.176(2)(b) | |
An inspection report | Worker’s Compensation Act, Sec.183(a) | |
Notice of a variation or cancellation of an order | Worker’s Compensation Act, Sec.189(2) | |
A compliance report and any follow-up reports | Worker’s Compensation Act, Sec.194(4)(a) | |
A request for review of an administrative penalty | Worker’s Compensation Act, Sec.196(4)(a) | |
An inspection Report | Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Regulation, Sec.2.5(1) | |
Notification of compliance | OHS Regulation, Sec.2.6(a) | |
Any placard issued by the WCB entitled “Notice to Workers” | OHS Regulation, Sec.2.7 | |
Written first aid procedures | OHS Regulation, Sec.3.17(2) | |
Worker instructions under a radiation exposure control plan | OHS Regulation, Sec.7.20(2) | |
An entry permit for a confined space (at each designated entry point to a confined space) | OHS Regulation, Sec.9.13(2) | |
Confined space atmosphere test results (at all points of entry to the confined space) | OHS Regulation, Sec.9.26(4) | |
Written group lockout procedures (at the place where system is in use) | OHS Regulation, Sec.10.9(7) | |
Manitoba | Compliance reports with improvement orders, if there is no workplace safety and health committee (WSHC) or a worker safety and health representative for the workplace | Workplace Health and Safety Act, Sec.35(1)(d) |
Names of the WSHC members | Workplace Health and Safety Act, Sec.40(9) | |
Name of the health and safety representative | Workplace Health and Safety Act, Sec.41(3) | |
Names of each WSHC member and date each member’s term of office expires | Workplace Safety and Health Regulation, Sec.3.11(2)(a)(i) | |
Scheduled dates of WSHC meetings, agenda for each meeting and copies of the meeting minutes | Workplace Safety and Health Regulation, Sec.3.11 (2)(a)(ii-iv) | |
If a representative has been designated, the representative’s name, scheduled dates of meetings and the agenda for each meeting | Workplace Safety and Health Regulation, Sec.3.11(2)(b) | |
Any improvement order, report or other documentation applicable to the workplace, issued by or recommended to be posted by a safety and health officer | Workplace Safety and Health Regulation, Sec.3.11(2)(c) | |
Any order made by the director under Sec.21 or 40 of the Act | Workplace Safety and Health Regulation, Sec.3.11(2)(d) | |
A list of the names and work locations of each first aider | Workplace Safety and Health Regulation, Sec.5.5(4)(b)(ii) | |
Working alone safe work procedures | Workplace Safety and Health Regulation, Sec.9.3(3) | |
Harassment prevention policy | Workplace Safety and Health Regulation, Sec.10.3 | |
Violence prevention policy | Workplace Safety and Health Regulation, Sec.11.5(1)(a) | |
A written report on a noise exposure assessment | Workplace Safety and Health Regulation, Sec.12.2 | |
New Brunswick | Names of the Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) members and minutes of the most recent committee meeting | Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act, Sec.14(9) |
Name of the elected health and safety representative | OHS Act, Sec.17(4) | |
A copy of the Act, the regulations and any notice which an officer considers advisable to enable employees to become acquainted with their rights, liabilities and duties under the Act and regulations | OHS Act, Sec.44(1)(a)-(b) | |
A code of practice | OHS Act, Sec.50 (4) | |
The emergency communication procedure employees are to use to summon assistance in the event of an illness or accident | First Aid Regulation, Sec.5(2)(d) | |
Names of the first aid providers | First Aid Regulation, Sec.7(2) | |
The location of first aid kits | First Aid Regulation, Sec.13(2) | |
Sketches of permanent anchor points | General Regulation, Sec.49.3(2)(c) and 145.2(2)(c) | |
Emergency procedures if a worker may fall into water or any other liquid | General Regulation, Sec.51(8) | |
Newfoundland and Labrador | A code of practice | Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act, Sec.36(3) |
A health and safety policy if the workplace has fewer than 10 workers | OHS Act, Sec.36.2(2) | |
Names of the Occupational Health and Safety Committee (OHSC) members | OHS Act, Sec.38(7) | |
The name of the worker health and safety representative or workplace health and safety designate | OHS Act, Sec.43 | |
A written notice outlining the policy and procedure for reporting injuries | Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) First Aid Regulations, Sec.4(2) | |
A notice containing the name of the person in charge of the first aid kit or room | OHS First Aid Regulations, Sec.7(a) | |
Name and qualifications of each person trained to administer first aid | OHS First Aid Regulations, Sec.7(b) | |
An emergency procedure and telephone list or other instructions for reaching the nearest police, ambulance, fire station, hospital or physician | OHS First Aid Regulations, Sec.7(c) | |
Signs showing the location of the first aid supplies and services | OHS First Aid Regulations, Sec.11(2) | |
Stop work orders | Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Regulation, Sec.6(1)(a) | |
The minutes of all regular and special OHSC meetings | OHS Regulation, Sec.25(2) | |
Information about escape routes | OHS Regulation, Sec.38(4) | |
Signs for high noise levels in excess of the threshold limit | OHS Regulation, Sec.68(5) | |
For work area or enclosure where hazardous materials are handled or used: Signs or placards warning workers of the hazards within the identified restricted access area and stating the precautions for entry into the area |
OHS Regulation, Sec.69(4) | |
Where a large number of workers are working on machinery or equipment or a large number of energy isolating devices are to be locked out: A checklist that identifies the machinery or equipment components covered by the lockout. |
OHS Regulation, Sec.134(c) | |
Written group lockout procedures | OHS Regulation, Sec.134(7) | |
Existence of and dangers of hazards of a confined space | OHS Regulation, Sec.511(4) | |
Completed confined space entry permit | OHS Regulation, Sec.512(17) | |
Warning signs indicating that automatic start of a conveyor | OHS Regulation, Sec.532(2) | |
Mine rescue emergency procedure (on the surface and underground) | OHS Regulation, Sec.541(b) | |
The procedures for firefighting underground and a plan showing the ventilation system and routes to the escape exits | OHS Regulation, Sec.566(k) | |
Northwest Territories | A copy of the Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee meeting minutes | Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 43(C) |
Smoking signs at the entrance to each designated smoking area | Occupational Health and Safety Regulations,Sec.81(5)(e) | |
Workplaces where flammable, unstable, highly reactive and corrosive substances are used: Sign setting out the harmful characteristics of the substance and the precautions to be taken for storage at each entrance to the enclosure, room or building in which the substance is stored |
Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, Sec.321(1)(b) | |
Placard indicating the presence and location of the asbestos containing materials (in a conspicuous location as close as possible to the asbestos-containing materials) | Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, Sec.369(1)(b) | |
Fire safety plan | Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, Sec.394(3)(b) | |
Warning sign for high voltage switchgear or transformers | Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, Sec.457(2) | |
Nova Scotia | Current names of the Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee (JOHSC) members or the health and safety representative, the means of contacting them | Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act, Sec.37(a) |
The minutes of the most recent JOHSC meeting | OHS Act, Sec.37(b) | |
A current copy of the Act | OHS Act, Sec.38(b)(i) | |
A code of practice required by the Act or regulations | OHS Act, Sec.38(b)(ii) | |
A current phone number for reporting occupational health and safety concerns to the Division | OHS Act, Sec.38(b)(iii) | |
Where one is required, an occupational health and safety policy | OHS Act, Sec.38(b)(iv) | |
An order, compliance notice, notice of appeal or decision and an edited order | OHS Act, Sec.39(1)(d) and Sec.39(3) | |
An application for an appeal and notice of appeal | OHS Act, Sec.67(2)] and Sec.69(4) | |
An application for a deviation from the regulations | OHS Act, Sec.83(4)(b) | |
A copy of the decision on such application | OHS Act, Sec.83(11)(a)(i) | |
The location of the first aid supplies and the location or phone number of the first aid attendant | The Occupational Health and Safety First Aid Regulations, Sec.9(2) | |
Emergency telephone numbers (in the first aid room) | The Occupational Health and Safety First Aid Regulations, Sec.17(2)(d) | |
Currently valid certification of confined space conditions | Occupational Safety General Regulation, Sec.131(3) | |
Nunavut | A copy of the Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee meeting minutes | Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 43(C) |
Smoking signs at the entrance to each designated smoking area | Occupational Health and Safety Regulations,Sec.81(5)(e) | |
Workplaces where flammable, unstable, highly reactive and corrosive substances are used: Sign setting out the harmful characteristics of the substance and the precautions to be taken for storage at each entrance to the enclosure, room or building in which the substance is stored |
Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, Sec.321(1)(b) | |
Placard indicating the presence and location of the asbestos containing materials (in a conspicuous location as close as possible to the asbestos-containing materials) | Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, Sec.369(1)(b) | |
Fire safety plan | Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, Sec.394(3)(b) | |
Warning sign for high voltage switchgear or transformers | Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, Sec.457(2) | |
Ontario | -“Health & Safety at Work: Prevention Starts Here” Poster – The “In Case of Injury” Poster (Form 82), if the workplace is covered by Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) |
Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act Workplace Safety and Insurance Act (WSIA), 1997, Sec.3 |
A copy of the Occupational Health and Safety Act | OHS Act, Sec.25(2)(i) | |
The occupational health and safety policy | OHS Act, Sec.25(2)(k) | |
Accurate records of the levels of biological, chemical or physical agents in the workplace | OHS Act, Sec.26(1)(f) | |
Names and work locations of the joint health and safety committee (JHSC) members | OHS Act, Sec 9(32) | |
Annual Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) summary, if requested from WSIB | OHS Act, Sec.12(2) | |
Workplace violence and workplace harassment policies (not required for 5 or fewer employees) | OHS Act, Sec.32.0.1 (2) | |
An order regarding the use of biological, chemical or physical agents in the workplace | OHS Act, Sec.33(3) | |
Any order | OHS Act, Sec.57(10)(a) | |
A notice of compliance with an order | OHS Act, Sec.59(3) | |
Results of monitoring of airborne concentrations of a designated substance and worker exposure to airborne concentrations of a designated substance | Designated Substances Regulation, Sec.25(a) | |
Prince Edward Island | Compliance orders by an Officer | Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act, Sec.8(7)(a) |
Names of the current Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee (JOHSC) members or the health and safety representative and the means of contacting them | OHS Act, Sec.27(7)(a) | |
The minutes of the most recent JOHSC meeting | OHS Act, Sec.27(7)(b) | |
A code of practice required by the Act or regulations | OHS Act, Sec.27(8)(b)(i) | |
A current phone number for reporting occupational health or safety concerns to WCB | OHS Act, Sec.27(8)(b)(ii) | |
Where required, an occupational health and safety policy (5 or more workers) | OHS Act, Sec.27(8)(b)(iii) | |
A copy of Occupational Health and Safety Act and regulations | OHS Act, Sec.45(a) | |
Names and phone numbers of first aid providers | OHS General Regulations, Sec.9.5(2) | |
Signs indicating where first aid kits are located | OHS General Regulations, Sec.9.13(1) | |
Emergency telephone numbers | OHS General Regulations, Sec.9.14(2)(d) | |
Workplace where explosives are to be used: Names of all persons designated to handle, transport, prepare or use dynamite or other high explosives ( post in the field office and or in the magazines) | OHS General Regulations, Sec.26.2(b) | |
Construction workplaces where traffic is impeded: Warning signs for impeded traffic flow |
OHS General Regulations, Sec.12.12(2) | |
Workplaces where signalers are used on roadways: Road sign indicating signalers are ahead during restricted traffic flow |
OHS General Regulations, Sec.50.17 | |
Workplaces with excessive noise Areas: Warning signs for noise |
OHS General Regulations, Sec. 8.7(1)(c) |
Workplaces where blasting operations are used: Warning signs restricting radio transmitter use |
OHS General Regulations, Sec. 26.64 |
Workplaces using a hoisting apparatus: Sign on hoist indicating safe load carrying capacity |
OHS General Regulations, Sec 34.3(2) | |
Workplaces with oxygen deficient atmosphere or air contaminants: Signs indicating the required respirator and locations of hazardous areas |
OHS General Regulations, Sec.45.20(1) | |
Workplaces where asbestos handling is taking place: Sign indicating restricted personnel in asbestos areas |
OHS General Regulations, Sec.49(21)(f) | |
Workplaces providing a power operated elevating work platform: Rated capacity and direction of machine movement for operating controls of work platform |
Scaffolding Regulations, Sec.19(6) | |
Compliance Orders by an Officer | Smoke Free Places Act, Sec.16(4)(a) | |
Signs indicating where smoking is and is not permitted | Smoke Free Places Act, Sec.12 | |
Quebec | Names of the members of the employer’s personnel to be responsible for health and safety matters | An Act respecting Occupational Health and Safety, Sec.51(2) |
All information transmitted by the Commission, the agency and the physician in charge | An Act respecting Occupational Health and Safety, Sec.51(10) | |
Names of the members of the health and safety committee (HSC) | An Act respecting Occupational Health and Safety, Sec.80 | |
Any remedial orders issued to the company | An Act respecting Occupational Health and Safety, Sec.183 | |
Stipulates that adequate signs must indicate how to find easily and rapidly the first-aid kits and the communications system prescribed in this Regulation as well as any other first-aid equipment | First-aid Minimum Standards Regulation, Sec.13 | |
The work location, the job, the family name and given name of the first-aider or first-aiders working in the establishment must also be printed on a sign placed in a conspicuous place accessible to all workers | First-aid Minimum Standards Regulation, Sec.14 | |
Saskatchewan | Notice of the change to work schedule | The Saskatchewan Employment Act, Sec.2-11(4)(d) |
Notice of the written authorization re overtime | The Saskatchewan Employment Act, Sec.2-20(5)(c) | |
Notice of the cancellation of the authorization re overtime | The Saskatchewan Employment Act, Sec.2-20(12)(b) | |
All or portion of the Act, regulations made under the Act, or other documentation considered appropriate | The Saskatchewan Employment Act, Sec.2-91(1) | |
Any prescribed notice | The Saskatchewan Employment Act, Sec.3-12(b) | |
Names of the Occupational Health Committee (OHC) members or the health and safety representative | The Saskatchewan Employment Act, Sec.3-25(1) and (2) | |
Compliance undertaking or notice of contravention | The Saskatchewan Employment Act, Sec.3-42(b) | |
A written report on the progress made towards remedying a contravention of the Act or regulations | The Saskatchewan Employment Act, Sec.3-43(a)(ii) | |
Occupationally related injury and illness statistics for the place of employment | The Saskatchewan Employment Act, Sec.3-64(5) | |
Notices of exemptions granted by the director | The Saskatchewan Employment Act, Sec.3-76(1)(a) | |
Decision by the director and written reasons for it | The Saskatchewan Employment Act, Sec.3-76(1)(b) | |
Notice of any stay by the director or an adjudicator of all or any portion of a decision pursuant to Sec.3?57 | The Saskatchewan Employment Act, Sec.3-76(1)(c) | |
A copy of the Act | The Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, Sec.15(b) | |
A copy of the harassment policy | The Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, Sec.36 (2)(b) | |
A copy of the OHC meeting minutes | The Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, Sec.42(1)(c) | |
Signs indicating smoking is prohibited in every enclosed place of employment | The Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, Sec.77(8)(a) | |
Sign setting out the harmful characteristics of the substance and the precautions to be taken for storage | The Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, Sec.314(b) | |
Placard indicating the presence and location of the asbestos containing materials (in a conspicuous location as close as possible to the asbestos-containing materials) | The Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, Sec.335(1)(b) | |
The fire safety plan | The Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, Sec.360(3)(b) | |
Where high voltage switchgear or transformers are housed: A warning sign that: (a) indicates the highest voltage in use; and (b) states that access is restricted to authorized persons only |
The Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, Sec.462(2) | |
Yukon | Any notice relating to the administration or enforcement of this Act or the regulations that the director requires to be posted | Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act, Sec.31 |
An order or inspection report from a safety officer | OHS Act, Sec.41 | |
An order respecting hazardous substances | OHS Act, Sec.48(3) | |
Confined space entry permit | OHS Regulations, Sec.2.09(1) | |
Confined space atmosphere test results | OHS Regulations, Sec.2.18(3) | |
Written group lockout procedures | OHS Regulations, Sec.3.05(6) | |
A notice stating the necessity of reporting promptly all injuries and receiving first aid treatment | Minimum First Aid Regulations, Sec.18.02(4)(a) | |
The location of first aid supplies, equipment and services | Minimum First Aid Regulations, Sec.18.02(4)(b) | |
Name of the particular person in charge of the first aid kit or room | Minimum First Aid Regulations, Sec.18.02(4)(c) | |
Name and qualifications of each person trained to administer first aid at the workplace | Minimum First Aid Regulations, Sec.18.02(4)(d) | |
An emergency communication procedure and a telephone list or other instructions for reaching assistance from each of the nearest police station, ambulance station, fire station and medical facility | Minimum First Aid Regulations, Sec.18.02(4)(e) |
Source: © Copyright 1997-2021 CCOHS