OSHA: Eyewashes and Safety Showers
Key Takeaways:
– Learning about eyewash stations and safety showers
– Understanding the workplace requirements for safety showers and eyewash stations
– Learning how to use a safety shower
– Learning how to use an eyewash station
Course Description
The aim of this course is to teach you how to locate and use eyewash stations and safety showers in the event of chemical exposure. Every second after your flesh is exposed to chemicals the damage can spread. This can mean something not impeding, like blisters or scars, but it can also impact your daily life through ways like losing your eyesight or extensive burns. That’s why eyewash stations and safety showers can be so important in saving lives, because they immediately douse the body with neutralizing water. Of course, they get everything soaking wet, but that is a small price to pay for your livelihood. If you don’t know or aren’t confident on how to use this equipment, you can end up missing the window for reducing damage. This course will improve your understanding of these devices so that you can go home at the end of the work day just like you came in.