Picture This: How Would You Treat Hands Like These?

Frostbite is the freezing of the extremities (fingers, toes, nose, earlobes, etc.) caused by loss of blood flow, which can cause tissue damage and the need for amputation.
You’re at risk of frostbite if you work outdoors, in/near/above water or inside freezers or refrigerated facilities, including:
- Construction and mining
- Utilities
- Oil and gas extraction
- Transportation and truck driving
- Agriculture, Lumber, Fishing
- Mortuaries
- Food production and warehousing
Make sure you know the signs and symptoms of frostbite so you can recognize and properly treat the condition.
Frostbite Signs & Symptoms
- Bluish or pale, waxy skin
- Blackened skin (extreme cases)
- Blistering
- Numbness, tingling, stinging sensation
Frostbite First Aid Treatment
- Get into warm room ASAP
- Loosely cover affected area
- Give victim warm, sweetened (non-alcoholic) drinks
- Allow victim and affected area to warm up
- DO NOT rub affected area
- DO NOT directly expose affected area to fire, heat lamp or other heat source that can cause burns
- DO NOT break blisters
Frostbite Prevention
To protect against frostbite, follow these safe work practices:
- Wear warm, insulated and water-proof gloves.
- Take frequent rest breaks to warm up.
- Keep your fingers and hands dry.
- Avoid touching cold metal objects with your bare skin.