Preventing Burns and Scalds: Restaurant Safety Fatality File

A Few Workers’ Stories…

Worker 1: A 24-year-old male was working at a quick service restaurant, when a pot of hot water spilled on him. He received 2nd degree burns on over 25% of his body. He was hospitalized and was out of work for over 5 weeks.

Worker 2: A 24-year-old male cook was moving a vat of hot oil when he slipped and spilled the oil on himself. The oil splattered his face, chest, both arms and right flank. He had 2nd degree burns to 18% of his body. He required skin grafts to his arm, and was in the hospital for more than 2 weeks and out of work for over 11 weeks.

Worker 3: An 18-year-old male cook was trying to remove the lid from a pressure cooker. The steam caused burns to his face, arm, and chest. He received 1st degree burns on 9% of his body. He was hospitalized for three days and out of work for 7 weeks.