Propane Blows Up After Truck Hits Tank
A customer at a hardware store was trying to back his pick-up truck to a stairway that led to an oxy-acetylene cylinder storage shed. He was maneuvering past a parked transport van when his pick-up truck struck an unprotected propane storage tank. The 1,000-gallon tank was knocked off its concrete pads and the feedline broke. Propane was released and filled the area.
About 15 minutes later, a worker entered the nearby shop area to turn off the furnace pilot light. He was killed shortly after entering the building when the propane, which had accumulated in the shop, ignited and exploded.
Containers of flammable substances such as propane must be protected from contact. Make sure any explosive or otherwise harmful substances in your work area cannot be knocked over or spilled. Know what to do in an emergency such as this propane spill. Learn your company’s emergency procedures before an incident occurs.