SafeKids Wordwide Protecting Children in Your Home

A comprehensive report on risks that different rooms in the home pose to children.

Ask a parent what they worry about most when it comes to their children, and you’ll likely hear about getting enough sleep, finishing homework on time or making friends at school. What many parents don’t consider—or don’t imagine could ever happen to them—is their child suffering a serious injury. Yet more than 7,600 children ages 19 and under died from unintentional injuries in 2013, and another 8.3 million were seen in emergency departments. Said another way, nearly every hour a child dies of a preventable injury in the United States, making unintentional injuries the leading cause of death for children.

How do these injuries happen? Many occur on the road; almost half of injury-related deaths among children ages 19 and under involve motor vehicle traffic. It may surprise many parents to learn that a large number of injury-related deaths also happen at home. In fact, every year, more than 2,200 children die from injuries that happen at home. Suffocation, drowning, fires…