Sawmill Safety Stats and Facts
Hazards workers are commonly exposed to in sawmill sector include:
- activities that may lead to musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs).
- machine (and powered equipment) hazards such as improper lock-out and unguarded equipment.
- material handling hazards (such as workers being struck by objects, caught or crushed between objects).
- slips, trips and falls.
- noise.
- transportation equipment and vehicle traffic.
- fire and explosion: dust collection.
- A large study of sawmill workers in B.C. was expanded to study other occupational health issues in this workforce. Workers from this study were linked to records of B.C. Linked Health Database (BCLHD) where a total, 5,745 male sawmill workers were used for this analysis.
- There were 164 work-related hospitalizations. The higher injury rates were for dislocations, sprains and strains, open wounds, and fracture of upper limbs. The main causes of injury among workers were related to machinery and falls.
- A B.C. Data Base (BCLHD) reported 5,054 disabling injuries reported by the sawmills included 28 logging injuries, they caused more than 10 percent of all fatalities.
- The Bureau of Labor Statistics releases the year-end injury and fatality statistics. And each year logging occupations are highlighted as a top 3 dangerous occupation.
- A comprehensive Workers Compensation Board of Alberta claims database for the sawmill industry describing 3779 claims. A total of 48,025 days were lost due to claim and total claims cost were $ 8,640,886.06.
- Incidence rates of nonfatal injuries resulting in workers compensation board claims in Alberta, Canada to those reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics in the United States. The majority of injuries resulting in claims were experienced by males 24–35 years of age with 1–6 months of work experience. Musculoskeletal injuries were the most common nature of injury (46.7%). The upper extremity was the most frequently injured region of the body (45.5%). Most claims (54.5%) were defined as lost time claims and 46% as medical aid only.