Scaffolding Safety Topic

Overview of OSHA’s standard scaffolding provisions.

OSHA’s Standard Scaffolding Provisions OSHA’s Standard Scaffolding Provisions

  • Fall protection or fall arrest systems—Each employee more than 10 feet above a lower level shall be protected from falls by guardrails or a fall arrest system, except those on single-point and two-point adjustable suspension scaffolds. Each employee on a single point and two-point adjustable suspended scaffold shall be protected by both a personal fall arrest system and a guardrail.
  • The height of the top rail for scaffolds must be between 38 inches and 45 inches. The height of the top rail for scaffolds can be between 36 inches and 45 inches.
  • when the crosspoint of crossbracing is used as a top rail, it must be between 38 inches and 48 inches above the work platform.
  • Midrails must be installed approximately halfway between the top rail and the platform surface. When a crosspoint of crossbracing is used as a mid rail, it must be between 20 inches and 30 inches above the work platform.
  • Support scaffold footings shall be level and…