Schoolbus Safety – Winter Weather and Adverse Conditions Fatality File

School buses cancelled across eastern Ontario because of snow

All English and French school buses are cancelled in eastern Ontario Wednesday because of the weather.

Environment Canada had a winter weather travel advisory in place because of the snow.

Earlier in the morning it covered the entire region except for western Renfrew County, but the advisories started lifting west to east by 8:30 a.m. They were all gone by around 11:30 a.m.

Before sunrise the alert called for up to five more centimetres of snow in eastern Ontario by noon and five to 10 more centimetres in western Québec over that same time.

Light snow had been reported at the Ottawa International Airport since before 8 p.m. Tuesday. It had two centimetres by midnight.

CFB Trenton had 12 centimetres Tuesday.

Rules vary by school or board when buses are cancelled, so check with yours for next steps.

No changes were announced in western Québec.
