Security Guard Safety Meeting Kit


Security guards around the nation patrol property, enforce regulations, serve as emergency responders and prevent crimes at their employers’ places of business. As part of their duties, guards must maintain a semblance of order, detain criminals and issue warnings to those who cannot abide by the rules.



Work violence. This can include physical violence, such as being attacked. It can also include sexual harassment, bullying and intimidation with aid of a weapon.

Dog-related risks. Poorly trained guard dogs can lead to behavior that’s unpredictable and aggressive.

Handling weapons. If your team handles weapons, it’s important they are provided with quality weapons and proper training to avoid serious injuries or death.

Radiation Exposure. Hospitals, labs, and other places that may have high exposure to radiation can seriously impact your security guard’s health if they lack proper training.

Work organization risk factors. From working alone to inflexible work schedules, work organization risk factors can put security guards’ health and safety at risk.

The physical workload. Poor posture, inadequate work areas and other physical workload risks can cause muscular pain, poor blood circulation and other health risks that security guards should be aware of.

Risks from psychosocial workload. Stress from work, a lack of motivation or strained emotional or mental workloads can lead to tiredness and poor mental health.

Specific risks facing female security personnel. Female security guards who may be pregnant or breast-feeding require special measures to safeguard them from health hazards that can impact their child.


Poor Visual Field. Security guards, need to make sure that they see everything that happens within the premises of that building. But if there are a lot of crowds there it can be very challenging to identify a culprit. And that’s what they will use to their advantage.

Technology problems. There are times when the tools used for avoiding any potential robberies may not work. If the cameras are not working or can’t rely on electricity, then it can be tricky to do the job right.

Long hours. Security guards tend to work for a very long time during the day. And many times the security guard schedule will also include night shifts.



  1. Be Mindful of Possible Threats or Dangers. To ensure the safety of everyone, security must be quick to respond to any threats or dangers in the area that they are assigned to. Not only that, but security guards must be well-briefed with areas in the facility that contain hazardous substances, so they know how to guard these items from thieves who take particular interest in stealing them.
  2. Set a Different Route. Security guards on duty have daily patrols to secure the premises and there is most likely a certain route you take every time you do rounds in your shift. Instead of taking the usual route to these places, set a different one. Thieves may be lurking around the premises and studying your every move, so it is better to be one step ahead of them and not be predictable. Change the route every once in a while.
  3. Gear Up at all Times. Aside from the given proper attire for security guards, an appropriate defensive gear should also be worn for extra safety. This will not just protect the people inside the facility, but it will also serve as protection for the guard while on duty. Although not all security guards carry guns and other firearms with them all the time, so instead, you have to be well-equipped with other defensive tools such as a baton, pepper spray, flashlight, etc. Being equipped with the necessary tools will help defend yourself in unexpected situations.
  4. Watch Out for Every Corner. Blind spots are usually used by criminals to attack and have their way in. Be watchful of every corner of the facility, especially the darker areas. See to it that your senses are always alert for any possibility of threats or dangers.
  5. Wear Protective and Comfortable Clothing. To keep guards safe on the job, it’s important to consider providing uniforms that contain protective gear. In some cases a security guard may be doing lots of vigorous activity such as walking or even running.  Consider enforcing comfortable footwear and a uniform that doesn’t restrict movement.
  6. Use Security Equipment and Software for Patrol Security. CCTV cameras and alarm systems are vital during every shift. CCTV equipment combined with real-time anomaly detection software like ice tana, can highlight irregular activity that the human eye is not able to identify as easily as AI. This type of CCTV security software can prevent operator fatigue and boost the efficiency and reach of security staff. Also ensure that security guards have their mobile phones fully charged and if they speak over earphones, that the cords and devices are in working order.
  7. Keep a Safe Distance from Suspects. Make sure to maintain a safe distance when you are interviewing the suspect. You will never know if they try to act out of rage, so you must be quick to respond and keep yourself safe from sudden attacks from suspects. Being outside of arm’s reach should be your distance from each other.
  8. Don’t Act Rashly. While it is the responsibility of a security guard to ensure safety, it is still important to not act rashly or hastily in times when the situation requires specialized assistance. If that happens, it would be best for the security guard to step back and let higher authorities or specialized forces to handle the situation. Acting heroic will not help during times of bigger threats.
  9. Take Note of Emergency Procedures. For every security guard to secure even their own safety, they have to know emergency procedures. Aside from the safety of everyone, your safety is also your responsibility. You have to know what to do in case there is an earthquake, fire, or any other sudden danger.
  10. Be Prepared and Understand Your Limits. Make sure that security guards are trained to deal with the worst-case scenario. It’s important as a security guard that you’re aware what you can and cannot do. If there’s a difficult situation, rather than handling it all by yourself, be sure to reach out to the appropriate authorities.


By being aware of the various risks that impact your security guards, you can take the necessary steps to reduce them, so that your guards can work effectively and in a safer capacity.