- Workers who require prescription drugs to control certain disorders should be aware that disruption of the circadian rhythm can interfere with the medical treatment of some diseases.
- Shiftwork is also common in workplaces where technical processes cannot be interrupted without affecting the product and/or where expensive equipment is used more profitably when in constant operation.
- Gastrointestinal and digestive problems such as indigestion, heartburn, stomachache and loss of appetite are more common among rotating shiftworkers and night workers than among day workers.
- When implementing a successful shift pattern, it is important to engage your workforce. All workers can offer vital experience and knowledge to overcome many of the impacts and effects of shift working.
- Heart rate and blood pressure have been shown to follow a circadian rhythm. Life-style can directly affect an individual’s health. Therefore, it is very important that a shiftworker follows exercise programs to maintain an adequate level of fitness.
- If you empower workers to have control of their working patterns, you will see positive impacts on morale and productivity. Assisting workers in choosing their own schedules and, or, swapping work periods with others may have a positive impact on.
- Nationwide, weekly work hours fluctuate among shift workers up to 87%.
- A third of American parents spend 20% of their income on childcare — surely more as their schedules fluctuate.
- 64% of parents report that they had to use a sick day when child care plans fell through. For shift workers, that could mean losing a day’s income.
- Like many who work normal schedules, shift workers contribute 49% of their families’ total income.
- People of color experience even higher volatility. 55% of Black workers and 58% of Hispanic workers report that their employers make their schedules without their input.
- Consumer spending makes up nearly 70% of the GDP in America, and for some retailers, as much as 30% of sales come in during the two months in the holiday season.
- According to an article published in 2000 by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), over 15 million (16.8 %) full-time wage and salary workers are employed working alternative shifts. Of these, the most common alternative shifts are evening shifts, with working hours usually between 2 pm and midnight, and irregular shifts with a constantly changing schedule.