Six Habits of Highly Healthy People

Wellness is more than the absence of illness. It encompasses a person’s total being – physical, mental, emotional, family, social, spiritual and occupational.

Wellness is about balance between the various aspects of a person’s life. When things go wrong, it is often because these areas are out of balance.

Consider these suggestions for keeping your life in a healthy state of balance:

  • Have fun exercising. Walking outdoors for 30 minutes a day is good for your body and spirit. If this doesn’t do it for you, find another form of exercise you enjoy.
  • Eat well. Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables, replacing most of the high-fat, heavily-processed foods in your diet.
  • Get enough sleep – something that probably doesn’t happen for you now, as studies show most adults to be sleep deprived. You need to get sufficient sleep on a regular basis to recharge your mental and physical batteries.
  • Instead of fretting about life’s problems, decide you will solve the ones you can and put aside the ones you can’t. Manage your stress by doing the most important things first and doing them well.
  • Don’t let other people get to you. There will always be somebody who gets under your skin. Learn to laugh off unimportant conflicts.
  • Keep learning throughout your life. New ideas feed enthusiasm and exercise your brain. Learning also keeps you in contact with other people.

Wellness and safety go hand in hand. A mentally and emotionally fit worker is able to focus on the job.