Solar Panel Installation Stats and Facts
Typical fall hazards associated with solar panel installation on residential premises
- Fall risks while accessing or getting down from a roof:
- Can the roof be accessed via a portable scaffold access system?
- If that is not reasonably practicable, use an ‘industrial rated’ ladder which
- extends at least 900mm above the step-off point
- is installed at an appropriate angle (i.e. 4:1)
- Fall risks while working at a roof edge:
- Can a proprietary guardrail system be installed on roof edges?
- If that is not reasonably practicable, use a work positioning system (roofer’s kit) that is:
- installed and maintained consistent with the manufacturer’s instructions
- prevents a person from reaching a position that would allow them to fall from the roof edge
- Working in the Solar industry is three times more dangerous than being employed in the Wind power sector. When calculated about the amount of power each industry produces, it’s more than ten times more dangerous than nuclear power. As a result, there are believed to be around 100 to 150 deaths in the worldwide Solar industry each year.
- 2020 Fatalities for US Roofers Increased 15% as Solar Roof Installations Increase.
- In roofing, the most common cause of injuries and deaths are fall-related incidents and the most cited OSHA violation. According to BLS, 93 of the 111 roofing fatalities were caused by a fall, slip, or, trip incident. In total, 880 of the deaths in 2019 were due to a fall, slip o, or trip, an 11% increase from 791.
- In 2019, the U.S. had more than two million total solar panel installations. This was three years after surpassing one million solar panel installations, which took 40 years to accomplish.
- The US is expected to pass three million total solar installations in 2021 and will go over four million solar panel installations in 2023.
- The US is installing about 500,000 solar roofs every year.