Spray Painting Safety Meeting Kit

What’s At Stake
Spray painting is an efficient way to apply high-quality paint coatings to a wide range of surfaces and it’s used in many industries. The process is hazardous and presents a range of health and safety risks.
What’s The Danger
Step 1. Identify the Hazards
- inspect the workplace for potential hazards, such as confined spaces, possible sources of ignition.
- observe the work and talk to workers about how it is carried out
- inspect materials and equipment being used and where they are stored
- read product labels, safety data sheets (SDS) and manufacturers’ instruction manuals
- talk to manufacturers, suppliers, industry associations, and health and safety specialists
- review incident reports.
Step 2. Assess The Risks – Key Questions
- How often and for how long are workers exposed to the hazard?
- Will the outcome of exposure be severe, moderate, or mild?
- How do workers interact with the hazard—for example are they exposed to hazardous chemicals by breathing it in or through skin contact?
- Is there evidence of contamination—for example dust or fumes visible in the air, chemical odours, spills?
- How is spray painting carried out—for example is it in a confined space or above head level?
- What are the skills, competence, and experience of the operator?
- How do the shape and position of the objects to be painted affect the postures workers have to be in to perform the work?
Step 3. Control The Risk – Control Measures
Control measures can be ranked from the highest level of protection and reliability to the lowest. This ranking is known as the hierarchy of control.
The aim is to eliminate a hazard and associated risk first. If this isn’t reasonably practicable, you should minimize the risk by using one or more of the following approaches:
- Substitution—use other products or processes.
- Isolation—spray painting in booths so other workers are not impacted.
- Engineering controls—install ventilation systems to reduce exposure to vapours and aerosols.
If risks remain put administrative controls in place, like restricting access to spray painting areas and use suitable (PPE), like respirators, gloves, aprons, and eyewear.
Step 4. Review Risk Controls
Managing risks is an ongoing process. Regularly review control measures to make sure they’re still effective and workers are using them correctly. Look out for new hazards that can appear.
- Stay out of heat and away from fire.
Make sure to keep away from heat, sparks, and open flame. Don’t smoke. Extinguish all flames, pilot lights and heaters. Turn off stoves, electric tools and appliances, and any other sources of ignition.
- Keep aerosol away from heat sources.
Avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight or heat from radiators, stoves, hot water, and other hot items.
- Leave the spray paint can whole.
Do not puncture, incinerate, or burn aerosol cans. Do not discard cans in a trash compactor.
- Ventilate.
Vapors are harmful; avoid continuous breathing of spray mist by spraying outside whenever possible. When spraying inside, open windows and doors to ensure fresh air entry during application and drying. Wearing respiratory protection is also helpful.
- Keep spray paint on your project, not on you.
Avoid contact with your eyes and skin. Wear gloves or wash your hands after using.
- Take the following precautions when painting lighting and electrical fixtures.
– Read and follow all lighting/fixture manufacturer stated safety precautions.
– Ensure corded lamps are unplugged from electricity.
– Do NOT paint wiring.
– Do NOT paint light bulbs.
– Do NOT paint damaged cords which may have exposed wiring.
– Do NOT paint parts of fixtures that get excessively hot, unless using a High Heat paint specified for that purpose.
- Take the following precautions when painting objects in contact with open flame (candle holders, fire pits, etc.)
– Do NOT paint in the vicinity of an open flame.
– Do NOT paint any surface that will be in contact with an open flame, especially the insides.
– Do NOT leave open flames unattended in any situation.
Paint particles are released into an atmosphere through the spray nozzle, which increases the release of hazardous vapors. While safer methods have been developed, such as using less volatile and less toxic paints and coatings, and low-flow airless spray nozzles, employers still need to take precautions to avoid hazardous exposures to workers.