Standard Precautions
Your infection control department will have specific procedures for tasks such as:
- Donning personal protective equipment (PPE) can be gloves, gowns and/or respirators
- Taking off PPE after leaving a patient
- Using respiratory protection
They will implement special procedures in case of:
- Pandemic flu
- Terrorist attack
If you have any questions about the right way to do a task, ask your facility’s contact person.
Your infection control coordinator will designate EPA- registered disinfectants for your use. These will differ depending on the infectious organism. Surfaces must be cleaned prior to the application of disinfectants. Then the disinfectant must be allowed to sit on the surface for a certain amount of time before being wiped off.
Respiratory Hygiene/Cough Etiquette consists of:
- Covering the nose/ mouth when coughing or sneezing.
- Using tissues to contain respiratory secretions and disposing of them in the nearest waste receptacle after use.
- Performing hand hygiene (e.g., hand washing with non- antimicrobial soap and water, alcohol- based hand rub, or antiseptic handwash) after contact with respiratory secretions and contaminated objects/materials. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers are best used on clean hands.
Transport the patient only when necessary. Change the patient’s gown and linens before moving him or her.
Make sure infected or colonized body areas are covered. Wash the patient’s hands. Change gloves and wash your hands between procedures if your gloves have touched body fluids or substances. Remove your gloves and other PPE before leaving the room. Wash your hands. Use dried paper towels to turn off the faucet and open doors. Surfaces of transportation vehicles, such as wheelchairs and stretchers, should be protected by the use of a barrier, such as a sheet, to prevent direct contact with the patient’s skin. Alert the receiving department. Change to clean PPE again at the destination department.