Survival Gear Meeting Kit


Survival gear refers to equipment and supplies designed to help individuals or groups survive in emergency or challenging situations, such as natural disasters, wilderness adventures, or other unforeseen circumstances. Having the right survival gear can significantly increase your chances of staying safe and comfortable in these situations.



  • False Sense of Security: Having survival gear can give a false sense of security, leading individuals to take unnecessary risks or fail to adequately prepare in other aspects of survival.
  • Lack of Skill and Knowledge: Understanding how to properly use the gear and having the relevant skills and training is crucial for maximizing its potential benefits.
  • Limited Resources: In prolonged survival situations, reliance solely on gear may result in the depletion of resources, leaving individuals without the means to sustain themselves in the long run.
  • Dependence on Technology: Some survival gear relies on technology or power sources that may fail or become unavailable during emergencies.
  • Weight and Mobility: Carrying a significant amount of survival gear can impede mobility and make it more challenging to navigate through certain terrains or escape hazardous situations.
  • Maintenance and Durability: Survival gear requires regular maintenance to ensure it remains in proper working condition. Failure to maintain gear, such as checking expiration dates on food supplies or testing equipment, can lead to inefficiency or equipment malfunction when it’s needed the most.



  • Water Filtration System: Access to clean water is crucial for survival. Water filters or purifiers can remove contaminants from natural water sources, making it safe for drinking.
  • Shelter: A sturdy tent, tarp, or emergency blanket provides protection from the elements and helps maintain body heat.
  • Fire Starters: Reliable fire starters, such as waterproof matches, lighters, or fire starters, enable you to create warmth, cook food, and signal for help.
  • First Aid Kit: A comprehensive first aid kit should contain items like bandages, antiseptic wipes, pain relievers, tweezers, and medical tape.
  • Food: Non-perishable food items like energy bars, canned goods, or dehydrated meals are essential for sustenance. Pack lightweight, high-calorie options that provide nutrition and energy during emergencies.
  • Multi-Tool: A versatile multi-tool, like a Swiss Army knife, can serve various purposes like cutting, opening cans, tightening screws, and more.
  • Navigation Tools: Include a compass and a map of the area to help you navigate and find your way, especially in unfamiliar terrain.
  • Communication: A fully charged cell phone, a hand-crank or solar-powered emergency radio, or a satellite communicator can help you stay connected and receive important updates.
  • Lighting: Pack a headlamp or flashlight with extra batteries to provide illumination during nighttime or in low-light situations.
  • Personal Protection: Depending on the situation, it may be necessary to include personal protection items such as a whistle, pepper spray, or a small self-defence tool.
  • Extra Clothing and Blankets: Pack extra layers of clothing appropriate for the climate, including rain gear, thermal blankets, and warm socks.
  • Rope and Cordage: Nylon paracord or sturdy rope can assist with building shelters, securing gear, and performing various tasks.


  • Store your survival gear in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and moisture. Exposure to extreme temperatures or humidity can damage equipment and compromise its functionality. Use waterproof containers or bags to protect items from water damage.
  • Routinely inspect and maintain your gear. Check for any signs of wear, damage, or expiration dates on items such as food, medications, or batteries. Replace or repair any damaged or expired gear to ensure it’s in working condition when needed.
  • After each use, clean and dry gear thoroughly before storing it. This is particularly important for items like knives, tools, or water filtration systems that may come into contact with dirt, debris, or contaminants.
  • Handle your survival gear with care and avoid unnecessary roughness or misuse that could lead to damage. Be mindful of sharp edges, delicate components, or sensitive parts that may require special handling.
  • Keep your gear well-organized to easily locate and access items when needed. Use compartments, labels, or a systematic packing method to ensure everything has its place.
  • Certain chemicals, solvents, or insect repellents can deteriorate or damage your gear. Be cautious when using such products around your survival gear and keep them stored separately to prevent accidental contact.
  • If your survival gear includes battery-operated devices, regularly test the batteries, and replace them as needed. Consider storing spare batteries in a separate container to prevent them from leaking or corroding and damaging your gear.
  • Understand the specific requirements for maintaining and protecting each piece of survival gear you own. Read and follow the manufacturer’s instructions and guidelines for storage, maintenance, and care.
  • Keep your survival gear up to date by staying informed about new technologies, advancements, and improvements in gear. Periodically reassess your kit to determine if any items need to be upgraded, replaced, or added based on changes in your needs, environment, or the condition of your gear.


By investing time in learning, training, and maintaining your gear, you’ll be better equipped to handle emergencies and maximize the potential of your survival equipment.