WHMIS Training Program Review Checklist


  1. Do the workers know what hazardous materials are present?
    YES NO
    IF NO, ACTION TAKEN ________________________________________________________________________
  2. Are they aware of the requirements of WHMIS and of their own provincial health and safety legislation?
    YES NO
    IF NO, ACTION TAKEN ________________________________________________________________________
  3. Do they know how to safely handle, store and dispose of the hazardous materials with which they work according to legislation?
    YES NO
    IF NO, ACTION TAKEN ________________________________________________________________________
  4. Are they aware of the potential hazardous effects of the materials with which they are working?
    YES NO
    IF NO, ACTION TAKEN ________________________________________________________________________
  5. Are they familiar with emergency and first aid procedures?
    YES NO
    IF NO, ACTION TAKEN ________________________________________________________________________
  6. Do they understand the use and purpose of control systems, including ventilation and personal protective equipment?
    YES NO
    IF NO, ACTION TAKEN_________________________________________________________________
  7. Do they know how to interpret a WHMIS supplier or workplace label and what it means in terms of doing their jobs safely?
    YES NO
    IF NO, ACTION TAKEN ________________________________________________________________________
  8. Do they know where they can get copies of Safety Data Sheets (SDS)?
    YES NO
    IF NO, ACTION TAKEN ________________________________________________________________________
  9. Do they know how to interpret the information on a SDS and how to use it to carry out their jobs safely?
    YES NO
    IF NO, ACTION TAKEN ________________________________________________________________________
  10. Are they fully aware of their right to refuse to do unsafe work?
    YES NO
    IF NO, ACTION TAKEN ________________________________________________________________________
  11. Are they aware of their responsibility to use the information they have learned to work safely with hazardous materials?
    YES NO
    IF NO, ACTION TAKEN ________________________________________________________________________
  12. Do they accept personal responsibility for using hazardous materials safely?
    YES NO
    IF NO, ACTION TAKEN ________________________________________________________________________
  13. Have they completed job-specific hazardous materials training?
    YES NO
    IF NO, ACTION TAKEN ________________________________________________________________________
  14. Are they able to understand the information delivered to them during training? That is, are they conversant in the language used during training?
    YES NO
    IF NO, ACTION TAKEN ________________________________________________________________________
  15. Is their literacy level great enough to read training material, SDSs and WHMIS labels?
    YES NO
    IF NO, ACTION TAKEN ________________________________________________________________________
  16. Are workers well motivated and committed to safety and health on the job?
    YES NO
    IF NO, ACTION TAKEN ________________________________________________________________________
  17. Are provisions made for training new, part-time and casual workers?
    YES NO
    IF NO, ACTION TAKEN ________________________________________________________________________
  18. Are contractors and visitors to the area protected?
    YES NO
    IF NO, ACTION TAKEN ________________________________________________________________________
  19. Is there evidence that the objectives of an effective training program have been met? That is, are the workers “informed workers”?
    YES NO
    IF NO, ACTION TAKEN ________________________________________________________________________
  20. Is there a system for initiating safe work procedures from SDS information and for training in safe work procedures?
    YES NO
    IF NO, ACTION TAKEN ________________________________________________________________________
  21. Does the worker have adequate education in the labeling systems of WHMIS?
    YES NO
    IF NO, ACTION TAKEN ________________________________________________________________________