Working Alongside Subcontractors Picture This

What is wrong in this picture?
There is a man who is trying to complete his task with an uncomfortable body position, he is just about to suffer a cramp or tear due to the bad position of his body and the extreme stretching that he is doing with his legs and as a consequence he is about to suffer a fall. It is important to consider the hazards created when utilizing subcontractors and what can be done to mitigate the hazards.
Working around subcontractors may be a difficult task to maneuver. It is a necessary one though. Jobs have to be completed and without this process, they wouldn’t get done. It is important to find a good way to work around each other and both sides get their jobs done.
If you are working and notice something not done correctly, don’t hesitate to take it to a supervisor. When a subcontractor’s employee isn’t following protocol, make it known. This is going to help the worksite be safe and avoid unnecessary injuries.