Wrong Repair Takes Welder’s Life

A welder in a metalwork plant pushed a 250 amp welder on a dolly over to a wall outlet. He plugged it in with his right hand while his left hand was on the welder. Receiving an electrical shock, he fell backwards. A co-worker was at his side almost immediately and then ran to the electrical room to turn the power switch off. The electrocuted worker was pronounced dead at the hospital.
Later investigation showed the electrical junction box on the welder had been altered in a makeshift repair and wired incorrectly. As a result, the chassis of the welder became charged with 347 volts of electricity which flowed through his body to the ground.
Electrical repairs should be carried out by qualified personnel only and work should be checked by a second knowledgeable person. Records should be kept of installation and maintenance of equipment such as electrical apparatus. All employees in industrial settings should receive training in CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) to help in emergencies such as this.