Plumber Pinned by Power Lift
An apprentice plumber died after being pinned between a ceiling
An apprentice plumber died after being pinned between a ceiling
Could This Have Been You? On average, 5,000 to 6,000
Operator Killed While Repairing Running Machine A 61-year-old woodworker was
A machine operator at a textile plant died of asphyxia
Mechanic Killed Inspecting Stacker On May 5, 2005, a 55-year-old
A laborer at a marine shipping terminal was critically injured
An experienced mechanic/welder was crushed to death by a door
Workers were rethreading paper rolls on the reel stand in
A 1,200-pound (543.6 kilogram) gate fell on a worker, trapping
INCIDENTE El operador del montacargas de Fuyao, Ricky Patterson, de
INCIDENT Fuyao forklift operator Ricky Patterson, 57, of Dayton died
A fitter went into a concrete batching plant to do
A machine at a steel foundry was found to be
A technical engineer died after being crushed by a 12-ton