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PPE: Head Protection

Protect Yourself & Your Workers

Some of the Thousands of Members Saving Time, Energy, and Money While Delivering Better Safety Training


Your Hardhat Protects Your Head

There are some standard excuses for not wearing a hardhat—it is too heavy, too hot, too cold or too bulky or even too ugly. But all of these excuses sound very flimsy when you consider how a hardhat can save your life. Hardhats protect you from head injuries. An impact that would cause minor injuries on another part of the body can cause fatal or life-changing injuries when the head is involved.

Download the meeting kit here.

Hard Hat Violations

It’s often necessary for workers to use different forms of body protection in combination. The cardinal rule in such situations: Use of one protective device must never be allowed to compromise the effectiveness of another.

Spot the safety violation here.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Meeting Kit

Personal protective equipment, commonly referred to as “PPE”, is equipment worn to minimize exposure to hazards that cause serious workplace injuries and illnesses. These injuries and illnesses may result from contact with chemical, radiological, physical, electrical, mechanical, or other workplace hazards. Personal protective equipment may include items such as gloves, safety glasses and shoes, earplugs or muffs, hard hats, respirators, or coveralls, vests and full body suits.

Get your meeting kit here.

Report Preview

Employers must ensure their workers wear head protection if they are at risk of these common hazards:

  1. Being struck by falling objects
  2. Bumping their heads on fixed objects
  3. Coming into contact with electrical hazards

These common hazards encompass most ways in which a potential injury could occur, and they can have different meanings depending on the work environment. Understanding the potential hazards at your workplace is imperative in assessing the type of PPE needed to keep injuries at bay.

In this report you will find:

What Are the Hazardous Conditions That Warrant Head Protection?

Being at risk for a head injury is dependent on your work environment and its associated hazards, as not all working environments require head protection. However, when it is required, a worker must wear protection even when there are no apparent signs of danger. Industries like construction, power, oil and gas, mining, forestry, and others enforce such standards as the risk of head injury to workers is continuously present.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Stats and Facts

Wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is critical to successfully working in many high-risk work environments. In some cases, PPE stands as the only control for specific hazards.

PPE Size Chart – Quick Tips

Choosing the right protective clothing and equipment is worth careful consideration, and finding the right fit is just as important.

Construction PPE Standards – Quick Tips

All feasible engineering and work practice controls must be implemented to help eliminate and reduce hazards before personal protective equipment (PPE) is used.

Why Workers Don’t Use PPE

At over 85%, the most common worker reason survey respondents cited was lack of awareness about PPE and why it’s important to use. This is clearly a problem that providing appropriate safety training would solve.

That’s not all! You will also get access to these great additional materials!



“I can always find the right safety talk to align with my safety program or as a response to a recent incident, accident or near miss. What’s more, my workers actually pay attention to the content.”

Armend S, OSC Manufacturing

“SafetyNow makes it simple to deliver regular, engaging, compliant safety meetings and training in less time and with less effort. I know I can always find what I need when I need it.”

Ronald T, Magna International

“SafetyNow is a major time saver, because we don’t have to spend countless hours researching and putting together information. All we have to do is put in a quick search and everything we need is at our fingertips.”

Christopher C, Sanofi Pasteur

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